Monday, May 31, 2010

Buggy turns 1

Ok well this is my third attempt at this post so maybe it will let me upload the pics this time!! No such luck I will try my desk top!

Well it's about time.... I know I know

Ok so blogger hates me and when ever I try to post a new blog it never let's me post them in any order I have nicely laid out with my clever text so here goes so pics and maybe some captions!!
Olivia in her Jazz costume for pictures and now it won't let me add any more pictures so I will have to make another entry WHOO HOO goood times - by the way she is 12 now and has all the attitude that comes with it!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

We're so glad when Daddy comes home!

Ruben FINALLY came home after being in LA for 34 days working. I had told the kids that he would be home on Saturday so imafgine their surprise when they heard the roar of his diesel truck on the side of the house at 6:03 p.m. on Friday night!! They were scrambling to find their shoes to get outside to get their daddy it was priceless. We have been breaking down one by one here at home wanting our daddy and I don't think we would've lasted a moment longer we are super happy he's home!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009


I heart my remote starter for my truck!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

November in a Nutshell

Lila turns 6 months old on Monday!!

She started eating Cereal, and loves it. She also eats every vegatable I offer her.

We made these adorable clay-pot indians and Pilgrims!

Lastly I am grateful for a wonderful family, great friends and the blessings I recieve daily from the atonement. OOh & my yummy trifle!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What have I been up to??

Not much of this...

Well it seems like there is always so much going on in our household.
Mondays- dance
Tuesdays - dance
Wendsdays- scouts
Thursday- whew nothing
Friday- catch my breath and prepare for Saturday.
Then on top of all this I work for 5 hours, do my errands come home- cook dinner - take care of Lila, help Nicky and Olivia with homework and try to keep up with the housework. I really am not complaining, Just sharing!! The weeks seem to fly by and I feel like I am on a hamster wheel, just going and going, when does it end? OH yeah Summer. Too bad we've got quite a while!

Why does Heavenly Father let our babies grow up so fast?
Lila had a DR.'s Appt. yesterday and she is 14 lbs. 25 in long and almost 5 mo. old- Where did it go?
Enjoy a few random pics!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Whew.. Where did September go???

September came and went in the blink of an eye for me....

We had the first day od school...
Olivia is now a big bad 6th grader....

Nicky is now a 3rd grader.....And Lila is going to the most wonderful day care..... Where the kids are so excited to see her and she is well cared for!

Lila turned 4 mos old on the 30th and is quite the little sweetie.... She likes to be a "big girl " and be with whoever is around. She was beading with the kids one day.. well she was knawing on her Bumbo seat cause well she can't bead yet!

She's got a pencil and is ready to go!

September was so crazy fast!! The big kids auditioned for the Nutcracker and made it. They will be dancing with the Oregon Eugene Ballet Co. in December!!! I am so proud of them and can not wait to see the performance! Hopefully I will have a new camera by then. (hint hint Ruben)

I am so grateful for fall and can't wait till more great stuff happens so I can post!