Monday, June 29, 2009


Well I can hardly believe it has almost been 1month since she was born.( 1 day shy)
I can barely believe she is here, she is ours and we get to keep her. She is so stinkin cute and I can hardly get the big kids to leave her alone. We are adjusting wonderfully I think? The sleep deprevation thing is not as bad as I had prepared myself for, and while I think about it people might think I am nuts but, labor with her was a breeze. I got a super epidural and took a good 3 hour nap. Woke up, the doc broke my water and 15 minutes and 3 pushes later- enter Lila Antionette Garcia- 6lbs 10 oz- 21" long She came out screaming and was healthy and able to stay with us. A first for the Garcia babies. We are so blessed to have her sweet screaming spirit in our home.


Jaime said...

Yeay, you posted!! Now you need to put some pictures up!!

Anonymous said...

I somehow found your blog through someone else. I can't believe you had another baby. I had another girl christmas day some pictures of your kids it has been 5 years since I saw them.

Jana Beebe...I hope you remember me!!!lents

Rachel Garcia said...

Hey Jana,
I remeber you! I am working on the pics- keep checking back!